Garden Route Car Rental (Pty) Ltd (the Company) hires to the Client the motor vehicle, subject to the following terms and conditions which shall form a binding agreement.
All persons hiring a Garden Route Car Rental vehicle must be between the ages of 18 and 80 (t's & c's apply) years old and have held a full Drivers License for not less than 1 year. At the time of rental the following must be provided :
1. Copy of valid Drivers License, International License if required, passport or identity document;
2. Full name, residential address in their home country (not PO Box number), mobile number or home telephone number, e-mail address and local contact details.
NO SMOKING and NO PETS allowed in the vehicle.
The vehicle shall NOT be driven or used –
1. For the conveyance of passengers or goods, for reward;
2. By any person while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
3. In any race, speed test, competition or contest;
4. In contravention of any Law;
5. By any person other than a person in possession of a current, valid Driver’s License for more than 3 years, whose license shall be produced to the Company on demand;
6. By any person other than the Client and additional drivers named. The vehicle shall at all times be kept under the Clients control.
7. Beyond the borders of South Africa.
The Client acknowledges that the vehicle is in good overall condition and undertakes that the vehicle will be returned, together with all its accessories, in the same condition as when received, fair wear and tear accepted, at the place and on the date specified in the reservation, or earlier on demand by the Company for any reason whatever.
The Client will be billed from fifteen minutes after the return time, every fifteen minutes, a prorated portion of the daily rate, as well as a late fee of R200.
If the Client wishes to extend the rental beyond the original return date, authorisation must be obtained from the Company, prior to the expiration of this Agreement. Failure to return the vehicle in terms of this Agreement shall constitute illegal possession by the Client and the Company may repossess the vehicle wherever and from whomsoever is in possession of the vehicle. Any vehicle returned after the grace period will incur a further 24 hour rental charge.
The Clients signature on this Agreement shall constitute authority for the issuer of the credit card to Debit the Client with the total amount due under this Agreement.
Daily rates are calculated strictly in cycles of 24 (twenty four) hours, from time of pick up to time of return.
The Client acknowledges that they shall, under the following circumstances, be liable for the following additional charges :
1. In the event of the vehicle being involved in an accident, or the vehicle being damaged mechanically or otherwise, through negligence, or of the Client abandoning the vehicle, all costs incurred by the Company in recovering the vehicle including the cost of towing the vehicle to a place of repair.
2. Steam cleaning the interior of the vehicle (up to R750) or additional cleaning of the vehicle (R250), if required.
3. Re-fueling the vehicle on termination of the rental. Irrespective of whether or not the Client has filled the tank, if the vehicle needs re-fueling, a R200 admin fee will be incurred.
4. Any traffic infringements that were incurred during the rental period, plus a R200 admin fee per infringement.
5. The insurance excess in case of vehicle damage
The Company may debit the Clients credit card at a later time should there be extra charges which the Company was not aware of at the issuing of the invoice, or if at the initial debit there were insufficient funds to cover the full amount of the invoice.
Please note: Depending on the banks involved in the transaction, refunds of the security deposit may take anything between 2 to 5 working days to reflect in a clients account.
The Company shall not be liable for any damage or loss, whether direct or indirect, arising out of any defect in or mechanical failure or the safety of the vehicle or the driving or use thereof, nor for any direct or indirect loss, consequential damages, loss of profits or special damages arising out of any of the afore-going.
The Company does not accept any liability for any loss of, or damage to, any property transported in or left in the vehicle or any other damages or loss as a result of the conveyance of the driver and/or any other passengers.
No warranties as to the condition, state of repair, performance capabilities, year of manufacture, odometer reading or anything else concerning the vehicle are given by the Company.
All of Garden Route Car Rental’s vehicles are fully comprehensively insured, therefore the Client’s liability is limited to the agreed Excess amounts, subject to the following exclusions:
1. Accidents or damage on un-tarred roads, or in conditions that are not suitable for the vehicle;
2. Damage to the vehicle due to impact with stationery objects or vehicles;
3. Accidents or damage where no other vehicle or third party is involved, unless exceptional circumstances apply;
4. Loss of car keys/immobiliser;
5. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
6. Unauthorised persons driving the vehicle;
7. Damage to tyres, wheels, rims, hubcaps or window glass;
8. Theft/loss of radio/CD player or security device;
9. Gross negligence or breach of contract.
Any incident will incur a R500 administration fee.
It shall be the duty of the Client or additional driver to :
1. Immediately report to the Company, any damage, accident, breakdown or theft of the vehicle or its accessories and immediately complete the Company’s Motor Accident Claim Form. Where the vehicle is involved in an accident, it is recorded that in the absence of the Client reporting the incident within 24 hours, then the Client shall, unless proved to the contrary, be deemed to have committed Breach of Contract;
2. Immediately report any accident or theft of the vehicle to the nearest Police Station and obtain a Police Case Reference Number;
3. Immediately deliver to the Company any demand, notification, Summons or process received relating to any claim, action or prosecution in connection with any incident or occurrence involving the vehicle.
4. Refrain from admitting liability, or assisting the claimant in regard to any claim, action or prosecution in connection with the vehicle;
5. In the event of the vehicle breaking down or being involved in an accident, take all such steps as might be reasonably possible to prevent any theft, pilfering or additional damage to the vehicle. The Client shall not abandon the vehicle at the place of breakdown or accident, but shall ensure that the vehicle is towed or moved to a safe location;
6. Co-operate with the Company and/or it’s insurers in the investigation and/or defence of any prosecution claim or action related to the vehicle.
Without in any way derogating from the generality of this Agreement, it is specifically recorded that in the event of the Client, either:
1. Failing to return the vehicle on the date specified, or
2. In any manner tampering with the odometer of the vehicle, or
3. Effecting any repairs to the vehicle without the Company’s consent, or
4. Committing any other Breach of Contract,
then the Client shall automatically forfeit all benefits under every form of insurance provided in terms of this Agreement and shall be liable for the full extent of any damage to the vehicle, as well as any damage to the person or property of any third party.
The Client shall pay to the Company on demand all charges incurred.
The signatory to this Agreement, should they be a person other than the driver, binds themselves jointly and severally as surety and co-principle debtor under this Agreement.
In the event of the Company accepting payment from the Client by credit card then the Client’s signature on this Agreement as given overleaf shall constitute authority for the issuer of the card to debit the total amount due under this Agreement.
In the event of the vehicle being involved in an accident or the vehicle being damaged mechanically or otherwise, through negligence, or the Client abandoning the vehicle, any charges incurred by the Company in recovering the vehicle, including the cost of towing the vehicle to a place of repair, are for the Clients account.
In the event of the Client breaching the terms of this Agreement, any consequential damages which the Company may suffer, whether the result of loss of profit or downtime for repair or otherwise, will be for the Clients account;
In the event of the Client damaging tyres, road wheels or suspension due to impact with stationary objects, the cost of repair or replacement of the above items will be for the Clients account.
Our vehicles are non-smoking vehicles. Should anyone smoke in a vehicle, or in any other way, foul the interior the cost of steam cleaning the interior of the vehicle will be for the Clients account; Minimum R750; Vehicles returned excessively dirty will incur a R250 cleaning fee.
Any extra charges that the Company was not aware of, such as traffic fines, toll fees, parking fines, fuel costs, accessories etc. are for the Client’s account and may be debited to the Clients credit card at a later date.
In the event of there being insufficient funds in the Clients card at the time of the initial invoice, the Company may debit the Clients card at a later time, until the full amount owing is settled.
The Client agrees to pay all reasonable legal fees and collection costs (including attorney and client costs and collection commission) incurred by the Company in enforcing any such rights under this Agreement.
The Company reserves the right to refuse the rental of a vehicle to anyone, if done in the interest of the Company or the Client.
All persons driving one of our vehicles must carry their Drivers Licence with them at all times;
Please be advised that your hire vehicle may be fitted with a GPS Tracker;
Daily rates are calculated in cycles of 24 hours, from time of delivery to time of collection;
In the interest of safety the Client is responsible for the fitting of any accessory;